Title: God is God: God is the Creator and the Law-Giver
Book release scheduled for October 1, 2020
Contact Charles Moscowitz: charlesmoscowitz@gmail.com / (617) 271-5044
Charles Moscowitz, author of God is God: The Creator and the Law-Giver, suggests that the Trump campaign should not waste their time or resources courting the Jewish vote. “The Trump campaign would be better off courting the vote of African-Americans, Hispanics, blue-collar workers, rank and file labor and middle-class suburbanites, as these groups make up the natural Trump constituency” notes author and YouTube host Moscowitz. “Forget about the fact that Trump is playing a historic role in the peace that is breaking our across the Middle East as multiple Arab nations recognize Israel” observes Moscowitz. “The vast majority of American Jews are left-wing cultists who would probably vote for a Nazi before they would vote for Trump” observes Moscowitz who claims that many if not most of his fellow Jews replaced their faith and their belief in God with Socialism long ago.
Yet Moscowitz is hopeful that this will change and that Jews will begin to wake up to the nature of their faith and will come to know God. “This will not happen overnight, observes Moscowitz, and this certainly won’t happen in the weeks before the election of 2020 barring a devine miracle notes Moscowitz.